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Unlock the Wisdom of the Room

Imagine working through complex problems in a structured process that harnesses the group intelligence of the room– working through issues and capturing insights on visual templates that organize your thinking, guide your problem-solving, and focus your actions. Visual Facilitation empowers participants to see where they are and where to go by literally getting everyone on the same page. Great for:

  • Strategic Visioning & Planning

  • Ideation & Brainstorming

  • Team Building

  • Culture Change & Change Management

  • Consensus Building & Initiative Rollout

What's the difference between Graphic Recording and Graphic Facilitation?

A Graphic Recorder works with and supports the meeting facilitator(s), but does not run your meeting. A Visual Facilitator (also called Graphic Facilitator) uses visual tools & techniques to design and run your meeting and is responsible for meeting activities, timing, outcomes  (some of which may be graphic recordings!)

Click here for more information about Graphic Recording.


Visual Team Building

When the NASA International Space Station Communications Team came together, one of the key objectives was to create connections between widely dispersed, fairly autonomous teams. Katherine collaborated with the facilitators to transform team introductions from a boring formality into a lively and strategic team building exercise that offered energizing breaks in between the other sessions. First, attendees paired up and briefly interviewed one another. They then introduced their partner to the group and Katherine captured interesting details for each person on the “Stars of the Show” board. The board was completed a few “stars” at a time over the two-day retreat.

Visioning with Collage

An HR Team split into groups and used images collaged together to envision of kind of success that would put them on the cover of an industry magazine.

They found the process so effective, the following year they used collage again to envision their ideal workplace. While each group presented their ideas, Katherine wrote down themes on large post-it notes. The team then grouped and prioritized the themes and Katherine completed the exercise by synthesizing them onto the final chart.

Work with us!